Tuesday 9 February 2010

The half decade Valantine's day

Well, this Valentine's day will be my 5th one with the love of my life.
And it will also be my 21st birthday :)

But as we both work weekends and we work in catering we are celebrating on Friday. Sunday unfortunately will be spent looking at all the other couples who don't work weekends and serving them delicious meals :) However, i'm not complaining! Just my luck of the drawer that my 21st happened to land on a Sunday! :)

Usually, i'm one of these girls that likes to be spoiled on Valentine's. I feel like as a woman in a relationship, i spoil my boyfriend on a relatively daily basis and i ask nothing in return - apart from the occasional foot rub! I do his washing, i orin his work shirts, i tidy up his wet towels, i make sure he never runs out of deoderant and i advise him that a hard toothbrush is not a good option as if he remembers - he has sentitive gums.
All this i do willingly and laughingly like many other women in relationships... but on Valentine's day, i fell like its a 'spoil Lauren' day. Coupled with it also being my birthday, i can usually be found not lifting a finger - apart from to put my roses into a vase!

However, seen as though we are celebrating on a Friday, and its out 5th Valentine's day together, i'm wondering whether to put a different spin on things! I'm thinking maybe i'll buy some candles and i'll get some rose petals and i'll treat him.
I've already ordered my Valentine's night suprise courtesy of La Senza. He chose it, but he's never seen me in anything that sexy in 5 years, so it should be really interesting to see how it goes!
I'm reveling in my sexiness at the minute, though i'm not the thinnest i've ever been and i do have my 'omg i'm so fat' days... i'm feeling sexy and confident and i think that's going to come across :)

We're not married, nor engaged, and we are planning on moving in together this year. But engagement in something that i'm increasingly keen on. I know that most modern couples do the whole 'lets live together and then get engaged' thing, and i know that me and adam are only young in comparison to other couples, but i feel in our 5th year together some strong form of commitment should be made, and what's more i want to.

We are currently saving up for an amazing all expenses paid holiday at the end of June, but after that i mentioned that it may be time to start saving for an engagement ring... i expected a 'will you pleaseee stop talking about engagement rings please!!' response as i have currently been mentioning how nice it would be to get engaged on a white sandy Dominican Republic beach *hint hint*, but instead, i got:

'erm, yeah ok. I don't se that as a major issue'

As i squeal that does he mean it? Honestly? i see that he does indeed mean it, but this practical approach is something that suits my boyfriend much more than the overly pressured romantic setting with forced actions and certain pre-requisites.
It may not be every girls fantasy, to put some of her own money away each month for the ring of her dreams, but to me, it symbolises our relationship:

Open. Equal. Honest. Hardworking. Realistic.

(image courtesy of a VERY cute moment of Adams)

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