Tuesday 4 May 2010

We live in a material world, and I'm a material girl. Politically speaking.

Well, it's three days till the election and thus far I have refrained opening the can of proverbial worms that can stem from a political blog.


I like Nick Clegg. Yeah yeah like everybody, I suddenly have Lib Dem fever. However, as an avid watcher of BBC Parliament (and yes I'm 21) I have liked him for a while. However I like the British pound. And Nick does not.

Gordon Brown, I have no regard for.

David Cameron - well. I don't know. I like him. But I think his face is annoying, and if everyone had a pound for the times he's said 'big society' and 'change' I could live with hisd spending cuts no problem.
However, the Tories want to encourage life long family savers, pro marriage tax breaks and cut inheritance tax.

My grandad worked all his life, did his national service, started his own business, sold out when he was 65, and died that same year.
My grans still alive, bless. But when she dies, 60% of the money she and my grandad saved will go to gordon brown to hand out to some scruffs won't don't deserve their benefit money.

I'm in a long term relationship, marriage is on the cards (at some point!) And if I want to transfer my tax break while I take a year off to bring up my child, I should be able to.

If I want to buy my own house and give it to my children, I shouldn't have to give a whopping 60% to labour.

Tories aren't brilliant, and I will agree with anyone who says that.
But with voting, I feel you vote for the party who has the policies that apply to YOU.
And so everyone is different.
If I was single, eco and manic, I'd probably vote green.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. i moaned about this
    to my dad.
    when it came up on the debate
    i was like
    "why should anyone have 60% of their inheritance took away from them"
    everyones target is to create a better life for their children then they had.
    it's so annoying.
